The lucky Miss Sandra Hales was the winner of the blu blog cross contest thingie! She was the lucky winner of not one...not two...not three...but all SIX Collage & Storyboard Action Collections! That includes the two newest releases (launched yesterday) - Hip to be Square and the Versatility Collection!
Sandra agreed to play a little bit and took time to answer my silly and some completely random questions. So, grab a bon-bon and some wine and chill with me for a bit while we find out a little more 'bout her....
Interview with Sandra Hales
1. Hobbyist or Pro?Hobbyist - my "real" job is teaching kindergarten! I love teaching this age because they love school and they are still shorter than I am!
2. Have a website address ya wanna share?I don't have a website yet. That's one of my plans for 2008. I do have a blog that I use to post recent work on
here ...
3. Color or b/w?I love both - color for the outside shots and b&w for the newborns and maternity work.
4. Main source of inspiration?I love looking at recent work on photographer's blogs.
5. If you could fly any photographer out to do your family photos, who would it be? Why?I would have to say Jessica Claire (even though families are not her focus). Her work is so real and captures so many amazing moments.
6. What's the first thing you think of in the morning?Oh crap, I'm late
7. Favorite piece of equipment?I enjoy being "artful" with my 50mm 1.4 lens - it is a gem for me!
8. What makes your workflow flow?My D200, my 24" Mac, my CS3 and all my lovely little actions ... and sometimes a starbucks grande non-fat tazo chai latte (... it helps!!).
9. How many rings before you answer the phone?2 ... generally!
10. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Sure, I'm easy.
11. Are you a glass half empty or half full kinda girl?I'd say half full - i take things as they come and don't let a whole lot get to me. Things are always looking pretty good on my side of the fence.
12. Action junkie?Love them ... particularly fond of 'Totally Rad Actions'
13. What photography blogs are you addicted to?blu's daily blog, Jessica Claire's blog, Lena Hyde's blog and lots of local ones.
14. What one photography item would you purchase if money was no issue?Just one?! I'd love to get the 70-200 mm 2.8 - that would be a dream.
15. And, finally, can you juggle?Balls, no .. my life, everyday!
And, a couple of Sandra's favorite images:

Gotta like a girl with a little spice in her answers, right? And, I love me some Chai teas.... :)
Well, this was fun! I might like continuing to interview random people on the blog....Anyone else up for it? If you would like to be featured, send me a link to your site or blog and one of your favorite images - e-mail to Put "FEATURED!" in the subject line, please!
And, don't worry - I haven't forgotten about the giveaways, deals and post at a time, post at a time. In a few days, perhaps?? Or tomorrow if I'm feeling saucy....
Peace out. :)